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Monday, November 7, 2011

Sekar Alit | Cultures of Denpasar

Sekar Alit
Previously, we have been described gegendingan, now let's go to sekar alit.

In contrast with Sekar Rare (children's songs and folk songs), Sekar Alit group, commonly called the tembang macapat, gaguritan or Pupuh, bound by law Padalingsa consisting of wilang teacher and dingdong teacher. Teachers wilang are provisions that bind the number of rows on each one kind of Pupuh (song) and the large number of syllables in each line. In the event of breach of this wilang teacher then the error is called "elung".

Next is The Dingdong teacher, Dingdong teacher is uger-uger governing the fall of the vowel in each syllable final. Violation of the dingdong teacher is called "ngandang". About macapat term used to refer to this type of song is a term of the Java language. The group song is called macapat song because generally read by the system reads the four-four syllables (beats).

As for the types of song macapat (Pupuh) found in Bali and are still favored by the people, among which are :

Sekar Alit

Each Pupuh mentioned above contain the psychological atmosphere is different. The atmosphere generated by Pupuh is very useful to reveal a dramatic atmosphere of a story / play. In general, the relationship between the atmosphere with the type of Pupuh can be described as below :

Sekar Alit

Nevertheless, the influence of the singer who brought Pupuh can change the atmosphere generated by the Pupuh. It should also be aware that the song is called Pupuh is based on the chart or the framework of existing tracks on each - each of this Pupuh.

Based on the content or story that is expressed, the type of song is also on call guritan according to the stories they contain. Guritan Basur means macapat song tells the story of Basur. Similarly guritan Jayaprana, Sampik, Linggarpetak and so forth. The language used in the group song this is the language macapat Kawi (Old Javanese) and Balinese languages.
By law Padalingsa, macapat songs Bali can be arranged as the following table below :

Sekar Alit

Well, this sekar alit for each pupuh type has its own philosophy value. The flyer that came by the ancestors to the younger generation be able to live a better life. And also I include here, one of my favorite Pupuh, Pupuh ginada. Enjoy it.

Eda ngaden awak bisa
Depang anake ngadanin
Geginane buka nyampat
Anak sai tumbuh luhu
Ilang luhu ebuk kata
Yadin ririh
Liu enu pelajahang

Which means in Indonesian :
Jangan merasa diri bisa (dalam artian pintar, pandai, bisa melakukan segalanya)
Biarkan orang lain yang menilai apa
Kalau diandaikan seperti menyapu
Selalu saja ada sampah
Habis sampah masih saja ada debu
Walaupun pintar
Masih banyak yang harus dipelajari

In English :
Do not feel themselves able to (in the sense of smart, clever, can do everything)
Let other people judge what
If it assumed such a sweeping
There's always trash
Discharged waste there still dust
Although smart
There is still much to be learned

That's one example, and many Pupuh or sekar alit song that teaches us to be able to do better.


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